We were all so innocent in 2015
Marty hadn’t gone the future and lost the sports almanac to Griff. People were only wearing masks to bank robberies and cult orgies. All of which sound like a better Friday night than anything offered up by the last couple years. Lookin’ at you, 2020+.
Father Kent was innocent back then, too.
But then I decided to make our poor, virgin priest’s life extremely difficult. Because I am a sadistic author, and blasphemy kinda does it for me.
That was right around this time seven years ago (holy crap, really?), and As Flame to Smoke first appeared in The Darker Side of Love anthology at the beginning of February, 2015.
Like many anthologies, it enjoyed a limited run. When publishing rights returned to the individual authors, I packaged up this shining example of how not to behave in a confessional and released it as a standalone novella. w00t!
It had some very mid-century, pulp-looking cover art, because I was being an Artiste™ instead of someone trying to make book content obvious to quickly-scrolling readers. That old cover does still make my little graphic designer heart go pitter-pat, but the time has come.
It’s time to splash all the sex and sin right out in the open, so my fellow heretics can find the kink they’re looking for. HERE. That’s where it is. Right here.
Just look at this billboard of filth:
So yeah, I’m pretty happy to show off this spicy new cover.
And hey, if you’ve never read this one—hell, maybe you’ve never even heard of this story; it’s kind of a lurker, okay?—then let me just give you a copy.
As Flame to Smoke is FREE right now.
All Amazon stores,
February 10 – 13, 2022.
Ebook format only, because I’m pretty sure if I ever try to make a print version, the pages would catch on fire.
⚠️ Do not take the blasphemy content warnings in the blurb lightly. Don’t do it.
Also, you probably shouldn’t be reading this in church. Tsk. Shameful.