The Last Dominant
“I can have whatever I want. I own you.”
Qillian Wehr is the last of his kind.
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Enemy Makes Three
Traitor. Savior. Lover.
Haphro’s their enemy, but he’s also a traitor to his own people.
He did help Dendri and Ptero escape, though.
Is that enough for the warrior pair to trust him on their ship?
In their bed?
Enemy Makes Three is a free bonus story; a spin-off from my book The Last Dominant. You don’t need to have read The Last Dominant to enjoy this dirty short story, but if you’re interested, it might help root you in the characters’ world—you may find I’m throwing a bunch of world-specific names of places and things at you right in the beginning! BUT—if you think you can just get down enjoying a hot-as-fuck bisexual threesome no matter what all that pesky “backstory” is (heh), then read on, my thirsty friends!
And, as always. Grab a towel.
Available Formats:
- eBook
Enemy Makes Three is a FREE ebook, available exclusively to my mailing list subscribers.
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