As Flame to Smoke: FREE read, spicy new cover!
It’s time to splash all the sex and sin right out in the open, so my fellow heretics can find the kink they’re looking for.
It’s time to splash all the sex and sin right out in the open, so my fellow heretics can find the kink they’re looking for.
It’s September 19th—International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Filthy. Ugly. Bawdy. Dark. Just how many dirty pirates can fit in this tight little...
And the ebook new includes a sneak preview of The Mortal Coil!
She can run in the night, but he knows her secret. Gallows Pole officially joins The Skull & Crossbone Romances universe, AND...
One crazy bet. Two sexy clubs. Eight bestselling authors. “I’ll scream for you, Sir.” For the last three years, I’ve...
My brand new vampire universe is here to stay! The Blood Accord series begins. This summer, I released V...
UPDATE The Bite Me anthology was a limited run publication and is no longer available. My story, V is for...
UPDATE When the Dark Wins anthology (a limited release) is no longer available. Look out for my story A Sinner...
Here? In a church? Oh yes. He was still a man, vows or no. How hard could it be to...
Banned from Barnes & Noble. Now FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited! Gallows Pole, my dark erotic historical romance novella,...
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