Oooh, fun stuff, and right when I should be going to bed! I just saw an entertaining idea on my friend Sophie Kisker’s blog, An Oddysey into Erotica:
She wrote:
“…in your manuscript,
1. find page 77
2. find line 7
3. post the next 7 sentences
(or, if your manuscript is not that long, do page 7, line 7).
Here we go:
She’d been humming along just fine before he chose to lap up her shame in front of Osbourne. He sighed to himself as he was forced to confront once again the one area, that of carnal desire, where he had nearly no control of his impulses. Edmund Blackburn would need to try at least one more time if he wanted to see the Widow Collingwood open herself to the desires he knew she harbored in secret, and he would need to go carefully about it.
* * * *
Hannah barely had time to recover any semblance of composure before yet another member of Captain Blackburn’s cursed crew came banging through the doors of the stateroom. He carried a bucket and a bit of cloth, and closed the door deftly behind him with one hand. He was not followed by the captain and she steeled herself at the idea of being left alone with still another strange man.
“Mrs. Collingwood?” he asked.